Archive for the ‘workbooks’ Category

Borders Supports Homeschoolers

March 11, 2007

I don’t know if the policy at Borders (books and music) is the same in other areas, but here in Phoenix they are great supporters of homeschoolers. Yesterday we visited a local Borders in search of new workbooks. The Boy zoomed through his remaining first-grade workbooks and is nearly through the second-grade workbooks we bought a couple of months ago. We found some great third-grade language, science and math workbooks and a special anatomy book for children that we thought would be helpful to use in preparation for our trip to Body Worlds 3 in a couple of weeks. Signs throughout the store advertised Educator Savings Week with 25% off for educators. We asked if homeschoolers are eligible for the discount and were immediately given an enrollment form, no questions asked and no proof of our homeschool status needed. I had a coupon to use for our purchases yesterday, so we decided to return in two weeks for the Educator Savings sale and stock up on other workbooks and such. Needless to say, I am a big fan of Borders!