Archive for the ‘Communication’ Category

GPS Mapping: An Addition to Your Homeschool Curriculum

February 21, 2007

GPS mapping (that’s Global Positioning Systems) would make a great subject for homeschool lessons, don’t you think? You’ve got geography there, of course, and you could probably work math in too, by figuring out how far one place is from another. Reading, naturally. My friend, Ron, has a great and informative blog on GPS mapping so take a look and see what you can add to your homeschool curriculum.

Homeschooling at Body World: A Science Experiment

February 7, 2007

Do you know about the exhibit known as Body World? This is the exhibit involving plastinated human bodies. Very controversial, from the comments I’ve read. Well, it’s here in Phoenix and we’re taking The Boy to see it Monday. Daughter is in nursing school, so this is right up her alley. The Boy (6-years old, reads everything he can get his hands on) has been following advertisements for the exhibit in the paper and on TV. He has been asking to go to the exhibit since the first advertisement he saw. Monday is a holiday for me, so naturally, instead of indulging in a new book or playing on the computer, I’m going to look at plastinated bodies. Not sure how I feel about that, but I’ll let you know. Have you seen it?