Homeschool, Sample Tests, Social Skills and Television

I think we’re working the kinks out of Desert Homeschool. The Boy’s Mom (aka Daughter) has been following his lead, answering his questions about things in the news or on good old Discovery Channel. I know many people frown on television for children, but some of the channels are really interesting. We like Discovery, Discovery Science, and the History Channel. It’s amazing what lessons can be found on Home and Garden TV if you think about it. Why different plants grow in different areas, how to measure a 2×4 (although we use paper), recycling.

We’ve been wondering, though, if we shouldn’t have some idea of what sort of curriculum is recommended for a bright 6-year-old. Not that we’d necessarily follow it right now, but it would be good to know. Well, today Daughter found some sample AIMS tests on the website for the Arizona Department of Education.  There are sample tests for third through eighth grade and one for high school.  We printed out the third grade test, just to have some idea of what the public school system here thinks a third-grader should know.  We’ll see what that’s like and let you know.

The other issue we’ve bumped up against concerns the “he needs school for socialization” dicta of well-meaning (I assume) friends-and-family.  So far we have just nodded, smiled vaguely, and changed the subject, but I think Daughter is going to blow up at the next f-a-f who tells her that The Boy will be the equivalent of a social outcast unless he attends the local juvie factory and learns the socially accepted form of ill manners.  Excuse me, but I get a bit snappish at this.

Anyway, we all keep learning.  The Boy has decided he doesn’t hate math after all, Daughter has learned that he likes chamomile tea, and I am learning how much I don’t know about all this.  Growth is good.

One Response to “Homeschool, Sample Tests, Social Skills and Television”

  1. unschooler Says:

    Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’ve added you to my blogroll.

    Isn’t homeschooling/unschooling grand? My son HATED Math prior to us starting to homeschool. Sitting in a classroom with 30 other kids talking to one another certainly kills the concentration factor. The other day he admitted that “division is his best subject.” Okay…I’m fine with that.

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